Episode 1 The Epic Trip to Chile

给父老乡亲们更新一下过去两天发生的事。在飞机上看了巴拿马人如何从美国人手上夺回巴拿马运河的所有权的故事,一团人飞了14个小时到了智利。第一次划皮划艇,智利的冬天大概5度的水直接往胸口灌make me totally awake。发现所有美国人都会但正常人都在夏天玩

#If skiing in August is just unusual, then rafting in the mid of winter is totally outrageous

# 午饭的鸡肉大概是我一周的quota 智利神奇的水果做的冰淇淋 吃晚饭不小心说漏嘴说my father has been a wine distributor for 20 years,玩cup flip 出人意料地擅长,第一次喝吐了断片儿被运回酒店 早上问室友几点回来的她说4:30 团友送来叫Gatorade powder的东西冲水据说可以缓解宿醉 好喝。与其说这是旅行,不如说是种探索。cannot say I enjoy every part of it, but I know every minute counts.

16个人中13个美国人1个加拿大2个中国人,参与美国人的聊天不容易,尤其是一大堆美国男人,but I am making progress everyday 。昨天其中一个半开玩笑也不算特别友善地说,Gloria why r u so quiet, seems like u r going back to China tmr.

#People are generally friendly and straight forward# 我觉得一个tip是,keep trying new things in local culture, contribute using your unique perspective and be proud to be different because that's why you are here.
