Episode 16 How I Learned to Tell American Jokes

About two years ago, I wrote a blog about Why Humor is So Valued in American Culture: WhyHumorIsSoValuedInAmerica

Today I am taking the chance to thank all the awesome people who helped me along the way, to reflect on the significance and breadth of application of #ChicagoApproach, to summarizes my progress over the two years, concluded by a five-minute-talk-show in the Chicago Booth MBA'17 Graduation Celebration.


I have always been a serious person growing up. No sense of humor what so ever. When I grew up, studying well and working hard are valued in my community. A kid is never judged whether he or she is 'Cool', or 'Fun to hang out with'.

When I visited Booth in 2015, I attended classes of Prof Linda Ginzel and Prof George Wu. They say, the essence of education in Booth is "Back to Fundamentals", meaning to understand and learn every and anything from the Fundamental, usually just one or two rules for each domain. #ChicagoApproach

Fortunately, I got into Booth, which turns out to be a life changing experience. Here is what happened:

When I moved from Shanghai to Booth two years ago, I was surprised that humor is so valued in American culture. I asked AK how to tell American jokes. And she gave me a golden rule, which is so profound, based upon which I have been learning and practicing since then. She said, "You just build on old jokes. Insider jokes are the best jokes." She is my teacher of 01312 American Jokes. This golden rule is the Fundamental of this class. I applied the "Back to Fundamentals" Approach in learning to tell American jokes. The class takes two years.

Shortly before the Graduation Celebration, AK asked me, hey do you wanna do a three minute talk show. I thought my teacher was giving me a final exam, a last-minute announced one. No sample exam, no treat sheet.

My friend Alvin Yu is so sweet to have recorded the moment. I have to say, I didn't have talent in humor, but I have great teachers. I am far from 'the best' on the stage, but I have the best, most supportive audience ever. #WhyBooth

Please find the talk show here. Hope you will like it. I apologize if you can't fully enjoy it since it is mostly internal jokes. TheTalkShow

Also, see how Dean Kole builds on old jokes at the end of the Booth Impact Award granting: TheAwardCeremony


The time in Booth is life changing, in many aspects, one of which is turning me from a all-time nerd into an occasional joker, which I believe in all scenario has positive externality.

With deep gratitude.
