Episode 20 The Bamboo Ceiling

Olivia is my teammate, a great friend I knew long before I joined Microsoft. Right now she is presenting at the Microsoft Digital Transformation Academy in Vegas.

5,000 people flew in Vegas for this. She presents about the value and technics of Social Selling in front of hundreds of thousands of MSUS sales and marketing professionals.

She is the only Asian presenter that I am aware of. I am so proud of her.
I am recently reading a book "The Bamboo Ceiling". It's about why and how Asian are underrepresented in the leadership level in the US corp world, and the cultural reasons behind it. Olivia is such a role model in so many different aspects.

She is so good at what she does, and she never feels too good about herself. She didn't start living in the US until 20 something, and her English is as good as native speakers.

She is so natural hanging out almost with anyone. However, she never ever speaks in English with me, if just between us, in any situations.

She takes you to lunch, tells you what to do, what not to do, what to be careful about. She is respectful, trustful, inspiring, and makes you feel at home.
Later Olivia shared with me, the first time she gave a speech in the US, she spent so much time preparing and memorized everything. And despite the hard work, some feedback she received were, "I can't understand what she was saying."
It must be quite a journey.

(Originally posted on Oct 24th, 2017 on Wechat)
