Episode 49 Will This Work? (A 100-Word Novel)
The other day, a friend asked me: "Do you write novel?" Me: "What scene?" Him: "Love. Doubt. Courage." Me: "Any other constraints?" Him: "100 words. Exact." So here you go. This novel is dedicated to the people who are unsure about love, or people who are unsure whether their personal passion can turn into a career. ********* Will This Work You ask me Will this work You think a lot Nine years apart Well my mom is ninety, healthy Genetically My life’ll be lengthy You’ve young kids to take care Well you have three side projects Holding your heart tight Keeping you up at night You don’t speak Chinese You’ll never speak to my heart Well you sure Ma Chi Fan Le Ma Ni Ai Wo Ma Oh God You are a lot Well if I am not You are already bored So Will this work If you want it to Same to everything That you’re putting your heart into ********* Dear friend, thank you for your attent...